Putting On and Removing PPE Correctly

Putting On PPE

Once the appropriate PPE has been selected to wear, it is important to put it on and take it off correctly to avoid cross-contamination and in the following order…

Firstly, wash hands or use hand sanitiser. Put on gown/apron. Then put on face mask by extending it under the chin and upwards over the nose, avoid pinching or tenting the mask, then attach the nosepiece if the mask has one. If the mask has straps, ensure a secure fitting by placing strap at the top of head and then at the bottom. If the mask has loops, place them securely around the ears. The eye protection would go on next if using and then complete this process by washing or sanitising hands.

Removing PPE

Firstly remove the gloves using ‘glove in glove’ technique (remove the first glove with glove to glove contact and remove the second with skin to skin contact) Remove the gown by untying/breaking the ties, pulling the gown/apron away from the shoulders and rolling them downwards so the contaminated outer surface is folded inwards (this way, only the clean, inner surface is exposed) roll it up and dispose of it. This process reduces contaminated surfaces touching the users’ clothes or skin. Wash hands or use hand sanitiser then remove the face shield/goggles being careful not to touch the front of them. When removing the mask do so with either the following; a mask with straps – bring the bottom then the top strap over the head and move away from the face being careful not to touch the front; for a mask with loops – remove from the ears and pull away from the face without touching the front. Discard the mask. Conclude by washing hands or sanitising them.

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